Град: Варна
Обучение, тренинг, терапия
Заповядайте на 2-дневен семинар с тема: „Предприемачеството и онлайн инвестиции”
Кога: 7.03.2024 и 8.03.2024 г.(четвъртък и петък) от 18:00 – 20:00 ч.
Къде: Варна, Икономически Университет, зала 320
Семинарът предлага възможност за лична среща с лекторите.
Форма за регистрация: https://forms.gle/SNgDHyJpjfN4Wnbz6
За въпроси: 0897/62 58 42
Семинарът ще се проведе на английски и е без превод. Благодарим за разбирането.
За лекторите от Global Leadership Partners (GLP):
Matthew Bunney – Museum Director, Global Markets Consultant, Lecturer.
Matthew is the Deputy Director of Guangzhou Oriental Museum, a premier comprehensive Chinese history and fine art museum which strives to collect, research, and promote Chinese life, culture, and wisdom and to offer a positive learning environment for future generations. In his role as international research director, he has traveled across 6 continents researching Chinese porcelain and
lecturing at universities and academic institutions.
He spearheaded the museum’s investment strategy portfolio and acts as a Global Markets Consultant for Wiser Investments. On its behalf, he has traveled to multiple countries contributing first-hand commodities research for utilization in stock, futures, and options investment, providing his team with insights for client portfolio growth.
Matthew earned his bachelor’s degree in Business Supply Chain Management from Arizona State University. He completed a Certificate of Chinese Language Studies at Shandong Finance University in Shandong, China, and is fluent in Mandarin
He has been married to Annabelle since 2009, and they have two children: Jora (2011) and Micah (2014). His interests include history, travel, and sports. Though born in the USA and married in Australia, he and his family call China home.
Wendell Peck – Teacher, Facilitator, Coach, Speaker.
Wendell is the owner at Absolute Traction, a company that since 2007 has taught a business management methodology known as EOS, The Entrepreneurial Operating System. He teaches, facilitates, and coaches private business owners and their senior leaders about vision, discipline and accountability, leadership, and team
health. Wendell formerly was a Vice President in both the Consulting and Private Client Groups at RBC Wealth Management. In his 20-year career, he specialized in portfolio design, risk management, and legacy planning. He also traveled the US
teaching financial advisors about organizational development, practice management, and portfolio design strategies.
Growing up, Wendell had a unique and very challenging childhood and early-adult life that prevented him from receiving an advanced education. He persevered, and through self-teaching, transformed himself into a successful entrepreneur, businessman, speaker, teacher, and coach.
His interests include: Golf, hiking, biking, skiing, fly fishing, travel, reading, billiards, giving … and ice cream (any flavor, at any time).
Важно! Събитието се организира за настоящи студенти и ученици и е безплатно!
Организитори: Студентски Живот и Студентски съвет към ИУ-Варна
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Град: Варна
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Град: Варна
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